The Object of ISU FarmHouse Moms' Club
To carry out adopted projects for the comfort and convenience of the men of FarmHouse, to assist the House Director as she may request, and to encourage fellowship among the mothers.
Upcoming Events
We bid, we brunched, we boogied and we bonded...

Moms' Weekend 2025 was a huge success!
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all who supported the event with your time and resources.
And to Jamie Hughet for her loving and faithful service to the men of FarmHouse.
Congratulations to our graduating seniors and their moms.
We'll see the rest of you next year!
Who we are and what we do.....

Fundraising Power
Club funds are used for new initiate gifts, furniture, power tools, fitness equipment, hoops and recreation games, patio furniture, salad bar and more! Moms vote annually on the use of club funds based on requests from the chapter members.

Volunteer Opportunities
Opportunities for the moms to volunteer are shared via email/Sign-Up Genius throughout the year.

Moms' Weekend
In late Feb/early March we gather, connect, raise funds for fraternity life at FarmHouse, laugh A LOT, spend time with our sons, and worship together. Mark your calendar to attend and get ready to make memories!
Moms' Club Leadership
President – works with Chapter Exec, House Director, and Association Board, coordinating efforts to carry out our mission. Assumes Past President role after serving 1-year term. (Prerequisite: Vice President role).
Vice President - coordinates volunteer opportunities, assists in MC event planning. Assumes President role after serving 1-year term.
Past President – 1-year advisory role after serving as President, assists team in carrying out our mission.
Association Board Representative (minimum 2-year term) - attends 8 monthly A-Board meetings during the school year in Ames, partners with A-Board and seeks opportunities to promote awareness and engagement of FH moms/families, assists in MC event planning.
Treasurer (minimum 1-year term) - maintains financial records of income/expenses, makes deposits, pays bills, reimburses the FH men for approved requests, assists in MC event planning..
Secretary (minimum 1-year term) - creates 3 newsletters/year, maintains minutes of MC meetings, communicates and engages with moms about events, maintains a current roster, assists in MC event planning.
2025-2026 Moms' Club Officers
Other Points of Contact
Important Links
Moms' Club Dues
We kindly ask for $25 annual dues from each mom each academic year.
1. Scan the QR code to use credit card OR
2. Click this link: Pay Annual Dues OR
3. Mail a check to:
FarmHouse Mothers Club
Kathie Smith
66691-310th St.
Maxwell, IA 50161
Make a Donation
You can make a one-time monetary donation to FarmHouse Moms' Club.
1. Use this QR code and enter the amount you'd like to donate via credit card OR
2. Click this link: Make a Donation

Quick Links
Order merch:
Get Social:
Instagram: @ISUFarmHouse
Facebook: @IowaStateFarmHouse
Youtube: @farmhouseisu1723

Packing List
If your son is living at 311 Ash Ave., click HERE for the most recent packing list.
Note: Whether your son is living in the house or not, he will need the first two items on the list.
